Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Survival instinct

A local survivalist says armed with a little bit of knowledge, you can save a mishap from turning into a tragedy.

Think about all the useless information you know: footy scores, the words to songs, details of a Hollywood wedding you read about on the internet or a factoid about whales.

If a crisis of survival struck, would the fact that you know the name of Posh and Beck’s kids help? Probably not, but what could save your life is a series of survival skills.

International survival expert Bob Cooper has taught himself to survive in all sorts of situations and has been teaching these skills for three decades with a goal of making sure mishaps never turn into tragedies.

He has worked with everyone from NASA, the FBI and Texas Rangers to Australian security forces as well as teaching hundreds of outdoor enthusiasts the same skills. Bob believes survival skills applied with fear in check and a clear head will get you home safely.

In a survival situation, Bob says the five priorities for self-preservation are: water, warmth, signals, shelter and food. You need to be level-headed enough to decide which to satisfy first.

As part of his award-wining courses Bob teaches survival aspects like the psychology of survival, map reading and navigation, snake awareness, day and night signals, stellar and solar navigation, procuring water, edible and medicinal plants and avoiding poisoning from toxic plants.

Learning survival skills will be useful whether you are on an over-night camping trip or away from home for months. Ultimately, Bob says they will hold you in good stead in the harsh outback of Australia, camping in a foreign country or caught in the middle of political unrest.

Survival skills are also invaluable for everyday life: learning to be calm under pressure can aid you just as well in a city traffic snarl as it can negotiating a business deal.

“One of the by-products about learning survival skills is that you learn a lot about yourself too,” says the Perth-based veteran survivalist. “If this is something someone doesn’t think they can do and they conquer it, they begin to wonder what else they can achieve in their lives.

“In some cases it has had a very profound effect on people and they have totally changed their lives, thanks to the skills they have learnt. It’s very empowering.”

By Ara Jansen, Originally posted at

Realmark leads the way in technology

Realmark Commercial is leading WA’s property industry into the 21st century with new technology designed to enable clients to reach listings on any mobile phone anytime, anywhere.

We’re proud to announce that Realmark Commercial is the first agency in WA to adopt a new software called Gumiyo, a program that works by instant message technology.

There are 6.6 billion people in the world, and 4 billion of those are mobile phone subscribers, this new technology simply makes sense.

It’s also how we’re programmed these days - most people won’t leave home without three important things - their wallet, keys and mobile phones.

The way the technology works is by sending an SMS of the Realmark code displayed on the signage to a specific phone number, you will then receive detailed property information including images and property-specific details directly to your mobile phone.

Clients are able to satisfy their curiosity straight away without necessarily calling the agent. For Realmark sellers and lessors it means there is potential for better results faster, and in today’s market every advantage needs to be employed to achieve this.

We’re always pushing the boundaries in marketing at Realmark. We have a dedicated team always searching for new and fresh ideas to ensure we offer Realmark clients the very best.

Gumiyo is the newest addition to Realmark’s services and feedback from clients so far has been positive. It saves time and allows clients to find out what they want to know in an instant – it also avoids them forgetting about it later.

Most mobile phones are web enabled now, but to date, surfing the internet on them hasn’t really taken off. We took this into account when researching how we could further improve our service.

The beauty of this product in particular, is its simplicity. The information comes from the web but there’s no mucking around with web addresses and websites, the information is all there for you instantaneously in a message.

If you happen to be walking past a potential property you’re interested in, you’re more than likely to have your mobile phone with you. All Realmark Commercial marketing now contains an exclusive code and phone number so people can access the property’s information instantly.

It’s essential for our business to continue to stay one step ahead of the game. Gumiyo will provide our clients with an added advantage and it will importantly achieve better, faster and more successful results for our clients.

Originally posted at